Saturday 29 June 2013

Moving the railway

I have moved the railway!

Not physically moved, but I have decided to move its fictional location from Wales to Lancashire. There are a number of reasons: Welsh narrow gauge is somewhat cliched, and having recently seen Chelthwaite and Beccadale, there is a fine precedent for Lancashire. The tipping point was taking the kids to Darwen for football and Waddecar for cub camp, and realising that Lancashire has a lot of building with great character - something you can readily miss if you live in Preston.

So now it is the Ganderwood and Templehill Light Railway.

Monday 3 June 2013

A station

Made some good progress over the last few days.

This is the station, now fitted with working lights. The station building across the bridge on the left is just a facade at the moment, but hopefully that will get finished soon. The town at the back is made up of Superquick models that I built ca. 1980, and are just temporary stand-ins for now, though replacing them is some way off in the future.

I hit a snag with the mine area, however, with a point motor failing (likely due to my poor soldering skills), so I am waiting for a replacement on that.